Luminous Hilt
Lighting the path through the darkness of mediocrity
technical skills
Windows 7, 10, 11, Server 2008, Server 2012, Server 2016, Server 2019, Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, Ubuntulanguages:
HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, PHPapplications/tools:
Pug, Sass, VueJs, WordPress, Laravel, Visual Studio Code, Php Storm, Bootstrap, Bulma, Gulp, Vite, Git, Control Panel, FileZilla, Ansible, MySQLprofessional experience
Luminous Hilt - Miami, FL 9/2008 to Presentweb developer - GitHub
- developed layouts to match ux designs; bringing them to life.
- built functional forms able to read and write to databases (MySQL).
- created interactive apps with jQuery and now converting to VueJs.
- authored cross-browser compatible pages with resilient css.
- created themes, templates, and plugins for content management systems (i.e. wordpress, hybris, etc).
- built responsive layouts using CSS tools and frameworks (i.e. bootstrap, bulma, etc.).
- experienced with pre-processor language sass (both scss/sass and less).
- experienced with SEO optimization
- familiar with XML / JSON /web services (REST)
© Luminous Hilt, LLC 2009 - 2024